A deluge of ramblings and rain
News Flash!!!! Darkness envelops small island in north Atlantic!! Yea....that’d be Ireland. The sun doesn’t poke it’s lazy head above the horizon until about 0730 and, even after it does, it hides behind an impenetrable cloud cover. No sun. Darkness. And it’ll be this way for the next...hmm...7 months or so. And then we add the rain on top of that. This morning I woke up and thought “my, that’s quite a wind storm out there” but then I noticed the leaves weren’t moving. It was the sound of a million tiny raindrops smacking the crap outta those leaves. The skies opening up. A deluge. And Floyd (who has lost over 13 lbs since we got back from Croatia – round of applause please) was riding his bike to work....happily. He’s like that. Maybe this is the winter I’ll read Ulysses.
This season is marked by giant spiders in the bathtub (or in Guiness glasses as the case may be), eating oatmeal with fresh apples and cinnamon, mushrooms in the grass (have you ever seen so many 'shrooms?), muddy cows, Jezebel leaving muddy footprints all over my work, comfy sweaters, wool socks, my big black boots (hmmmm...which pair?), robins singing, wellies, crabapples falling and leaves bunching up around the doorways. Oh, and rain, and darkness.
I don’t think I know of anybody getting a referral in this next round...which makes me sad. Because I loves me some referrals. Seriously. I could almost punctuate our wait by referrals. Months (or years) just sound so tedious. Maybe if we could think of the wait like “we’ve got 24 rounds of referrals before we get our little Thor!” Yea, whatever. But, seriously, I enjoy seeing the new pictures and reading the blogs of the excited parents. It’s even better when you’ve been following the family’s adventures before the referral and you get to see how their lives, their blog, their personalities completely change once they get their referral. It’s amazing. So if any of y’all know of any good bloggies getting their referral this next round, lemme know. Hook a brutha up.
We’re off to Prague-Bratislava-Budapest in a few days. I haven’t thought about the trip. At. All. (I really hate those little punctuated words, but they work so well for bloggy speak.) I’ve heard that Prague is a beautiful city and that Budapest is right up there as well. I also know that a lot of people don’t know where Bratislava is...including me. I know that it will be cold there and that there are spas with big women that like to pummel you with their fists and firehoses....and you will pay them to do so. I’m looking forward to the trip. I’ve begun keeping a travel diary, which really helps if you have the memory of a gnat.
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