I used to dread these things (memes?) because I would look at them and think, "shit, I don't know". But they force you to remember, which can sometimes hurt, but most of the time, it's good stuff. So, a big thank you to
Atomic Mama for helping me remember what it felt like to dance around the living room to a Gene Kelly movie. So, here goes....
4 jobs I’ve had:1. I was a papergirl when I was a kid. I weighed like 90 lbs. and, believe me, Sundays and Wednesdays (when all the coupons came out) were a bitch. One time, when I put the bag on, I just tipped over. Literally.
2. Back in high school, I was a hostess at The Old Spaghetti Factory (AKA The spag fag). One of the waiters asked me out on a date and took me to see Jethro Tull. Oh yea.
3. In college, when I was pretty desperate for cash, I worked at a cheap shoe store at The Mall. Trying to squeeze tiny shoes onto those big ole nasty feet is a sight (and, sadly, a smell) that I will always carry with me. The manager, who I’m pretty sure was doing coke in the back room, actually tried to convince me that high-heeled shoes were therapeutic (good for the calves).
4. I used to band spotted owls. We would catch them with a fishing pole (seriously) and weigh and measure them and put a little band on their leg. Then we’d let them go and give them a cute, little, live mouse to leave them with a happy memory.
4 movies I could watch over and over:Well, like others, I just can’t watch a movie over and over again. And, even if I could watch a movie over and over again, I have a tendency to love really heavy movies, which you just CAN’T watch over and over because they would break you. But here’s some movies that I’ve enjoyed, and they’re light enough that I could probably watch them a few times ....
1. Any of the Coen Bros. movies but especially The Big Lebowski, Barton Fink, Raising Arizona...hell, probably all of ‘em.
2. Any of the Nick and Nora Charles movies (i.e., The Thin Man). That one scene where she comes waltzing into the bar of that ritzy hotel, absolutely laden with shopping bags, and she trips and falls on her face, makes me laugh out loud to this day.
3. Gene Kelly musicals. I haven’t seen one in a very long time but they gave me endless amounts of joy when I was a kid. They always had me dancing around the living room.
4. Best in Show. Knee-slappin’ good times.
4 places I have lived:1. Washington State (Tacoma, Olympia, and Forks)
2. Puerto Rico (studying the Puerto Rican parrot-one of the most endangered species of bird in the world)
3. Anchorage, Alaska
4. Portland, Oregon
4 TV shows I love to watch:I watch about 3 hours of TV/week so I’m pretty picky about what I’m going to spend that time on...but you may notice that this doesn’t imply “quality”.
1. Tommy Lee’s Rock Star Supernova!!! We’re LOVING this show at the moment but I think Ireland/UK are about a week or more behind so DO NOT tell me anything about who wins and please, please, please try not to write about it in your blog (or at least preface it by something like MILLICENT-FOR GOD’S SAKE, DON’T READ THIS!!)
2. Father Ted (fekkin hilarious Irish telly)
3. Absolutely Fabulous (haven’t seen it in forever but I was just reminded of it today and it made me smile)
4. Will and Grace
4 places I have been on vacation:1. Costa Rica
2. Poland
3. Brazil/Venezuela (the Amazon)
4. Amsterdam
4 websites I visit daily:Well, maybe not daily but here’s a few...
1. Go Fug Yourself
2. My Mom’s blog
3. All the usual adoption-related blogs (but I’m really enjoying Peter’s Cross Station these days)
4. Any recipe-related website where I’m desperately and usually at the last minute, trying to find something to make for dinner.
4 fave foods:1. Fish and chips of the most delicate order (still seeking perfection)
2. Homemade macaroni and cheese (when my husband makes it)
3. My Grandma’s home-canned green beans (Mom – do we know how to make these???)
4. My friend Bill’s sweet-potato pie (it’s just best when Bill makes it)
4 places I'd like to be right now:Heck, I’m pretty happy right where I am, but here goes...
1. Bathing in a vat of some cream that would make my 84 mosquito bites stop itching (WTF are they doing in the house??)
2. Sitting around a campfire with our friends back home
3. Hanging with my Mom and Ez in their motor home
4. Someplace with warm sand that I could squish my toes around in
4 people I am tagging:I would tag my Mom but she hasn’t responded to the last meme that I tagged her on (S’up Mom?). So, if you haven’t responded to this meme yet (is that what these things are called?), and you’ve got something to share, then, tag, you’re it. Let me know when you’ve got something posted.
Hey, that was fun. Thanks Atomic Mama.
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